Subscription plans

Currently active subscription plans:

Abbonamento per 1 mese — 8 €
Abbonamento per 3 mesi — 21 €
Abbonamento per 6 mesi — 36 €
Abbonamento per 12 mesi — 60 €

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Security Guarantee

Information is transferred to the payment gateway, using SSL encryption technology. Information is further transferred through closed bank networks with the highest integrity level. The 3D Secure protocol serves for additional authentication.

Online Payment Security

The information you submit (name, address, phone number, email) is confidential and not subject to disclosure. Your payment details are transferred only in encrypted form and are not stored on our Web server.

Online payment processing security is guaranteed by Processing center. Information transmission utilizes special online payment security technologies, and data are processed on a safe high-end server of the processing company.